Research Blog

I read “Houston Students Are Heading Back-What They Find Could Change Schools Nationwide” by Anya Kamenetz. Overall this article made me more aware of all the great efforts Texas is doing along the lines of public schooling and they made it clear how they are mainly are mainly trying to help the students deal with trauma and recover without punishing them for lacking on school work. They are providing three free meals a day to all of the students and also free uniforms in effort to trying to help them and their families out after the storm. I think after a disaster like this the main priority would not be school but it seems more welcoming when they are doing all of these thing to try and make the students feel safe, recover from this and provide them with supplies their families might not be able to give them at this time.

In the article it states that “In its scope, Hurricane Harvey is being compared to Hurricane Katrina which struck New Orleans in 2005. But when it comes to education, the two cities are following very different paths post-storm”. I want to know how so?

After Hurricane Katrina mostly all the schools shut down and the community was focused on rebuilding their lives and didn’t think twice about school. When it came to Hurricane Harvey they took a very different approach and started schools back up 2 weeks after the disaster and wanted to help kids and their families come together as one and have a sort of “safe space”. The schools are trying to focus their teaching on helping the students recover and learn to cope with this sort of trauma. In the end i feel as if it will be very beneficial to everyone in the end and it was a much better way to handle the school system after the storm than Katrina.

The different responses to hurricane Katrina and Harvey.

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